Tuesday, September 29, 2009

selamat hari raya !

haa..ckp pasal raye.mesti ingat kg.duet raye.makan !
raye taun nie best.
stakat ni.bnyk gak dpt duet raye.haha!
kuat mkn gler kott.
ahh.peduli ape.biar gemuk.
haa.xmaw jage badan.
taun ni bnyk sgt dugaan.
blk kg teringat gak 'kenangan2' uhh.
td pegi nilai.beraya umah pak cik.
ternmpk pulak ktm nilai.teringat lah kenangan dulo dulo.hee.
skang alhmdulillah.aku dah bley terima sume ney.
dah ta heran daa.
kwn2, thanks a lot!
korg bnyk mmbantu. hee!
love u guys!
esok nowa dtg umah! yeah!
gler rindu!
xsabar lak nk jumpe dye.hee!
okay lah.time to sleep.
need some rest.
bnyk buat keja td.
nk p karaoke ngan mama xjd.sbb mak cik nk dtg umah.hee.
next time lahh.
rase nk melalak plak.heee.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

.it's time to let it go.

semua nyer bertalu2..
dr satu ke satu lg dugaan.
dgn final.dgn hati.dgn member.

ya Allah, kau kuat kan hati ku ini.
aku cube melangkah satu per satu.
husai, mungkin dgn alasan yg u beri kan u berharap i akan cube terima u semula.
im so sorry.its enough for me.
cukup lah dgn sbelum2 ni.
kenapa semua lelaki harus tipu.
sedang kan i cuba utk setia.jujur dan ikhlas.
pernah u fikir ape prasaan i ketika u langsung xamik berat pasal i.
sedangkan i sntiasa fikir u setap saat.
u cube letak kan diri u di tmpat i.
adakah kte ni same?
as a girl, girl always want some attention.
tp skali pon aku xpenah nk cuba layan lelaki len.
pernah ko tanye kenape aku ragu2 dgn ko?
ko sndiri yg buat mcm tuh.
tergamam gler bler ko terangkat kol mlm tuh.
dgn bunyi bising.
dan2 senyap blk kn?
pls lah husai..ape lg alasan ko?
sakit nyer hati dgn ko layan pmpuan len mcm tuh.
kwn aku yg berckp dgn ko sndiri pon nangis bler cerita dekat aku.
sbb dye tawu mcm mane syg nyer aku kt ko.
ingat, aku ada ckp aku ada beli kan ko sumthing.
u noe what?
its a boxer.u noe y?
cuz i always rmmber u everywhere i go.
ko tawu x.betapa excited nyer aku time tuh.
but, now..aku yg pakai.n im wearing it now.
pernah ko pikir aku time ko lyn pmpuan len?
ade ko mintak maaf dgn aku?
cinta aku bukan utk dipermain kan.
skali hati aku dipermain kan.sampai bler2 aku akan ingat.
rantai yg ko bg neyh.aku jaga.betapa syg nyer aku kt rantai neyh.
setiap mlm.before tdow.ko tawu ape yg aku buat.
aku dgr lagu aiman-cinta terakhir.yg pernah ko nyanyi kan utk aku.
sambil tgk gmbr2 ko.
but, now..mmg lagu tuh kena kn?
lagu kantoi from zee avi.
mmg mcm lagu hantu.
lagu tuh slalu aku nyanyi..sampai aku hafal.
mmg xpenah lekang dr mulut aku lagu tuh.
last2..mmg mcm nih yg jd.
aku bley bersumpah.aku xpenah nk layan lelaki len.
bg aku kesetiaan.kejujuran penting sgt.
once its gone, its really2 hard to get it back.
aku bley bersumpah, aku xde rahsia langsung dgn ko.
setiap pergerakan aku, kwn2 aku..aku bgtawu.
dah lah.aku harap ko bley terima ape yg dah jd.
aku mintak maaf dgn ape yg dah terjadi.
u had stole my future, n u grabbed my dreams.
the only thing that i can say, pls husai..dun do this again to ur next girl.
its really2 damn hurt.
aku mintak maaf sbb delete ko kt ms, fs, fb, ym.
ntah.rase sakit sgt.
mayb bler dah okay.aku akan add blk.
pasal rantai tuh, mayb aku nk bg kt ko sndiri.
nk bg melalui tgn org len nih, mcm xbrape sedap.
sbb benda tuh berharga sgt.
anggap jelah sume yg kte lalui sbg satu kenangan yg singgah dlm hidup nih.
kalu ade jodoh kte di masa hadapan.insyaAllah.xkemana.

dear my friends,
today is our last day at tpm.
td nowa dah blk..sedey sgt.
rase cm terlalu awal.
nowa, pg esok kte sume dah brada di tmpat yg len.
katil kt rumah.dgn tilam hostel len sgt.
tilam kt umah lg sdap kn.
nowa, sape nk cuit2 b**t*t aku lg.
sape nk ckp " GOOD MORNING!!!" kt aku kuat2..
nowa, kte dr first sem sampai skang.penah x kte terpikir persahabatan kte nih sampai rapat mcm nih?
sape lg aku nk mengadu gembira sedey aku lg nowa?
setiap kali aku gembira, aku akan cerita kt nowa.supaya aku nk dia rasa kegembiraan aku skali.
aku suka tgk dia senyum.
ku nk dia happy.
sbb aku syg dia.sgt2.
kte study same2.
mane yg aku xtawu.org yg pertama aku tanye kt ko lah, nowa.
setiap kali ari khamis, dye slalu ckp kt aku.
"bazz, aku alik srmban esok ari jumaat"
aku paham maksud dye, dye nk blk ngan aku.
tiap2 ari isnin.org yg kejut aku bangun pg.dye lah!
huuu..dah start nangis daa..
penah jugak lepas dye kol.aku tertdow blk.sorrryyy!
lame gak kot dye tunggu kt ktm.
dye baik dgn mama..mama pon dah anggap ko cm anak dye.
kalu ko xde ari isnin.mesti dye tanye.nowa xblk hostel ke?
dah mcm2 kte lalui..
ko lah org yg slalu buat aku tenang.
aku mintak maaf bnyk2 kalu aku ade buat ko terasa hati.
aku mintak maaf sgt2.
aku xsengaja nk luka kn hati ko.
noraa, aku mintak maaf xdpt nk bg ape2 sempena harijadi ko tahun nie.
xdpt nk buat surprise mcm tahun2 lepas.
anggap lah sweet memory kte tahun ni hadiah aku utk ko.
aku xready nk hadapi benda ni sbnr nyer.
dgn hati aku yg sakit nih.dgn last sem kte.
tp xpe.setiap yg berjumpa mesti ade perpisahan.
nnti rajin2 lah twon kjg k.
dtg raye kt umah.
i love u norra.lola.nowa.noya. damn so much!

to airen, my roomate.
nnti ko dah blk sbah.
kalu kte same2 fly bemidji.alhamdulillah.
tp kalu x.ape bley buat.
aku tawu sejak beberapa bulan ni.kte agak renggang sket.
aku mintak maaf sgt2.
aku xde niat nk jauh kn diri ataw ape2.
aku ade sbb tersndiri.
knape aku slalu pegi bilik nowa.
time tuh aku tgh kusut dgn benn.
bukan aku xnk join dgn bdk2 jr.tp mungkin time tuh xsesuai.
pape pon aku still ingat semua kenangan yg penah kte buat same2.
start dr first sem.
time nad ade, k.elle, dora, nowa.
time kte buat video clip same2.
enjoy je mase tuh.
kte gi shopping same2.
blk je tros try..
time kte penah overnite dgn ejat.
time aku bwk ko gi blk kg dgn benn.
time kte busy dgn netball.
bilik cm sarang tikus time tuh.xpikir stdy langsung.
semangat netball.
time aku sedey.sakit.gembira.
ko sntiasa sokong aku.
bler ko blk sbah.ade je yg ko bwk blk.
utk parents aku,utk mkn mlm2 sambil tgk movie.
aku mntak maaf kalu ko ade sakit hati dgn aku.
aku mintak maaf sgt2.
aku syg ko sgt2.
i love u airen!

to qayum, my besties.
weyh, kalu dpt kte fly bemidji same2.jumpe lg lah kte.
kalu x.jgn lupe dtg umah aku time raye.
rindu nk gi oldtown same2.
rindu nk lepak mcd same2.
rindu nk lepak library same2.
rindu nk men netball same2.
time yg aku mmg xbley lupe.time kte sambut b'day aku.
kte gi tgk wayang, twilight.
aku bwk ko,zul,airen dtg umah aku.
seriously aku rindu sgt time2 tuh.
aku mintak maaf if aku ade salah ckp ke ape.
aku xde niat nk sakit kn hati ko.
syg ko sgt!

to farvin, my besties.
hey, skang nih kte dah xmcm dulu kn?
mase berubah, so environment pon berubah.
dulu kte satu kelas.
sejak kebelakangan nih kte dah xsatu kelas.
first yg buat kte bertegur.time dkat zoo.
if u still rmmber, ko belikan aku gula2 kapas.
terkejut kot time tuh.
time tuh ko kurus.hehe.
pastu time dlm kelas eng.suke sakat aku kn.
same je dgn kent.
penah skali buat ko marah gler.
time tuh ko sensitive dgn spect ko.
aku pegi conteng dgn pen highlight.
pastu dgn rase serba salah gler.aku msg ko mintak maaf.
xtawu lah ko ingat ke x.
yg xbley lupe b'day present aku.
thanks farvin.gler comel.
ade lg teddy tu kt umah.
rindu time lepak sesame.
ko slalu beli kn cokelat.
ko xpenah nk berkira dgn aku.
u r such a good friend.
nnti dtg lah raye kt umah.
kalu ade rezeki kte jumpe lg kn.subang je kott.hehe.
syg ko sgt!

to anim and jo, my besties.
kte br kenal sekejap.
tp dah mcm2 yg kte buat same2.
mayb aku xpayah dah nk ckp ape kenangan kte.sbb aku penah tulis sblum nih.n korg pon dah bace.
now, aku just nk mintak maaf sgt2.if aku ade buat korg marah.
aku xsengaja.
aku syg korg sgt2.
korg rajin2 la turun kl nnti.bley jumpe.
hope kenangan kte akan kte ingat slalu.
maybe nnti bler terbace name raub, aku akan ingat kenangn kte same2.
jgn lupe aku keyh?
i love u'all damn so much!

to all my friends, im so sorry for everything.
dah mcm2 aku lalui kt tpm nih.
even tpm nih mcm mane skali pon.kwn2 aku ttp aku syg.
kdg2 time nk kuar dah nih, rase cm nk bom tpm.
biarlah, kalu xde tpm.aku xkn kenal korg.
n maybe aku xbuat blog nih.hehe.
mulai esok, hidup aku dah berubah.
tiada kwn2 depan mate.
mungkin aku dah xhirau kan phone aku.
sbb dah xde komitmen dgn sape2.
aku akan cube terima semua nih slow2.
btw, slamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin guys!
im gonna miss u guys!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


life is about trusting our feeling and taking chances, losing and finding happiness and appreciating the memories and learning from the past.

things change,and friends leave but life's doesn't stop for anybody.

sometimes you have to forget how you feel ; and remember what you deserved.

find a heart that will love you at your worst and arms that will hold you at at your weakness.

i believe that everything happens for a reason. people change so that you can learn to let go. things that go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right. you believe lies so you'll eventually learn to trust no one but yourself. and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

the only people you need in your life are the ones that prove they need you in their.

its not up to me anymore, if you want me in your life, you'll find a way to put me there.

.my sunshine.

I have closed the door to my heart
That once opened only for you
Now you have gone from my life
I have to let you go, though it's so hard for me

Millions colours of rainbow once filled my heart
Now they have dissappeared, leaving me
There is no more pure light
All the beautiful melodies have vanished
I am silenced in loneliness

Please my sunshine, listen to me. Listen to my cry.
I am in grief because the arrow of love has struck my heart
Please tell me my sunshine, tell me the poem of my life
about me who cannot conquer/defeat the time.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

♥ him.them♥

by 9/9/09

starts from my 'besties', 9/9/09 could be the day that we will remember most.
nora, anim and jo. guys, u'all are damn super duper cool!
even, we just have a few days left we still can make our own history.
guys, dun u ever ever forget me ya! cuz i love u all damn so much!
dont u ever forget our trip to RAUB! jo, anim our trip to IPOH! the taman botani part.haha!
nora, our overnite together at UM with iza. jo, our trip to MALACCA n PD at the same time!
oh, damn crazy!
one more thing, we all SLEEP together, EAT together, played at the RAUB RIVER, RAIN and take a BATH together.
but now, it's all gonna be our sweet memories.
maybe all this will be our last memory together.
guys, i love ur crazy ways!
oh, i dont know what happen next.
who's will gonna grab my t**s!
who's gonna check my speaking words.
into, derus, kekekelewatan, snake plate, melekit.haha.
who's gonna yell at me ?
who's gonna called me 'lala' ?
who's gonna be my listener?
who's i want to lay into her shoulder when im feel sad?
who's gonna be my supporter when im wants somebody?
who? who? who?
its only you, my besties!
hope our friendship would never end.

nora.she's my everything!

anim.she's my crazy partner!

jo.she's my lesbo partner!

love them so much!

talk about love.reminds me bout him.
hehe.on that day, we 'bukak pose sesame' haa!
for the first of our relation, we bukak pose together.haha!
tapiiiii....one thing, ehem! nvrmind.mayb its too personal.haha!
okay, we continue to the next part.haha.
just wanna say that im in love with him.
my honeybee, im scared if i lost u. cuz u the only one in my heart.

*men ngan dak kecik.haha! comel..haaa*

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

.kembang perawan.

Ketika surya menampakkan cahayanya
Ku gapai hari terangku
Menanti sebuah cerita
Yang pasti akan terjadi di diriku

Kini ku mulai mengerti artinya cinta
Walau senda tawa
Namun hatiku mulai merasa
Bila dekat lelaki aku pun malu…

Akulah kembang perawan
Ingin mulai merasa
Perasaan yang pasti
Milik semua insan

Aku mulai jatuh cinta
Papa biarlah aku
Menikmati semua anugerah
Di hidupku…

love it! love it! love it! ;)

Friday, September 4, 2009


haha..arini jumpe dye,waaa!
lame xjumpe kott..
lepas rindu lah td.hwah!
honeyy..love u lahh! ;)

keep my souvenir lah k..sorry, just thats it i can buy for u from raub.
when i saw a shape of love.its reminds me of u..
love never ends.

: tips for them :

semua gurl mahukn kekasih yang benar2 memahami diri mereka..
Ada beberapa tips kepada guys supaya senang jaga hati mereka dan buat mereka terus melekat dengan kita..

  • Kene membuatkan mereka berasa selamat bersama kita.

Tujuan= supaya mereka tidak risau apa2 bila bersama kita.rasa tenang beb.

  • Dapatkn kepercayaan dgn cuba berubah kepada apa yang mereka inginkan.

Tujuan= gurl selalunya mudah terharu dengan lelaki yang snggup berkorban

  • Jangan mencintai gurl ini semata-mata luaran,tetapi nilailah mereka dengan sifat keperibadian mereka...

Tujuan=kadang2 kita sendiri suka melayan karenahnya sebab mereka meghiburkan hati dan membuatkan kita sayang padanya

  • Jangan ikutkan sgt perasaan kita bila ada masanya beliau marah tak tentu pasal,kamu kene lebih tenang n bersifat terbuka..

maknanya kamu kene turunkn ego kamu sket.lama2 die stop la membebel...hehe.

die pown penat gak.haa..xde la gado n berdendam sampai nak putus..hehehe.

haaa...i take this tips by my friend.thanks jat. ;)