12.29 am
arini aku gi beli stoking kt mines.cheh!
semangat tol!
alahh..bukan slalu de tournament..hehe~
blk je mines..rehat jap.kol 3.30 teros twon court.
semangat gler kot!
alahh..cuaca mendung..so, best lah men..hehe~
hahh..dua org neyh kalu xmenyibuk xsah!
ngah shoot yg xmsok tuh abg ben.n yg nk gi kutip bola nih shah tonchet!
ni pulak muka2 kt tepi court..sementara tunggu dak2 lain..
muka airen xley bla!
dye nyer jari bengkak..so, no wonder lah muka dye cmtuh.hehe~
in the same day, ade jugak tournament dkat INTI cllege.
TPM hntr men street soccer, basketball, badminton, scrabble, chess, spelling bee n ape ntah lg.
so, ramai lah dak2 TPM kt area court..sume ngah tunggu bas TPM.hntr dorg gi sne..
tdo sne 3 hari 2 mlm..
so, before dorg naik bas..benn dtg jumpe aku..dye bg aku sumthing! time aku ngah men..sempat lah stop jap.
comel x??
siap ade teddy bear kecik..n chocolate! beg tuh pon dye bg gak..hehe~
ntah ape motif dye pon i xtawu..
but anyway, thanks benn..
okay..i should end this out.
esok nk bngun awal..kol 5.30 da kena bngun!
hope tmrw i will do all my best!
12.29 am
arini aku gi beli stoking kt mines.cheh!
semangat tol!
alahh..bukan slalu de tournament..hehe~
blk je mines..rehat jap.kol 3.30 teros twon court.
semangat gler kot!
alahh..cuaca mendung..so, best lah men..hehe~
ngah shoot yg xmsok tuh abg ben.n yg nk gi kutip bola nih shah tonchet!
ni pulak muka2 kt tepi court..sementara tunggu dak2 lain..
muka airen xley bla!
dye nyer jari bengkak..so, no wonder lah muka dye cmtuh.hehe~
in the same day, ade jugak tournament dkat INTI cllege.
TPM hntr men street soccer, basketball, badminton, scrabble, chess, spelling bee n ape ntah lg.
so, ramai lah dak2 TPM kt area court..sume ngah tunggu bas TPM.hntr dorg gi sne..
tdo sne 3 hari 2 mlm..
so, before dorg naik bas..benn dtg jumpe aku..dye bg aku sumthing! time aku ngah men..sempat lah stop jap.
siap ade teddy bear kecik..n chocolate! beg tuh pon dye bg gak..hehe~
ntah ape motif dye pon i xtawu..
but anyway, thanks benn..
okay..i should end this out.
esok nk bngun awal..kol 5.30 da kena bngun!
hope tmrw i will do all my best!
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